NERIS For Fire Departments | Station Boss RMS

Fire Department Software For NERIS

NERIS For Fire Departments

The Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, is proud to announce the Beta release of the NERIS Core Data Schemas. This effort, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), and USFA, is an essential step in modernizing fire and emergency services data systems. The Beta will structure the new NERIS platform, facilitate integrations, and drive informed decision-making across the sector.

Getting Started and What To Expect

NERIS Transition FAQ's

What will the transition to NERIS be like?

At some point we will ask that you submit your request to create a NERIS account with USFA. You will need to be prepared to provide information about both your department such as services provided, staffing numbers, and also about your service area such as population. 

How will this effect my fire department?

Our goal is to make this entire transition as painless as possible to your department and its members. At some point we will release a new module to your account for the new NERIS reporting. This module will contain the new fields that NERIS will need. One of the biggest improvements we will all benefit from is there will be a direct integration with the NERIS platform. This means no more manual uploads for your incident reporting data. 

Will NFIRS go away completely?

Yes. The data will remain there for reporting but eventually you will lose the ability to create a new incident inside of the NFIRS reporting module. We will communicate with you throughout the process so you know what to expect and when. 

Can I keep using NFIRS or do I have to join NERIS?

NFRIS and NERIS are both used for the same reasons. The NERIS system is just a newer version of the NFRIS system. Having said this its important that you report your data to the NERIS platform so your department will remain eligible for grants from the Federal Government such as the AFG grant. 

Where will my NFIRS data go?

The NFIRS data will remain available in your Station Boss account for your reporting needs. Our hopes is that this data will remain mixed in with your NERIS data so you will notice little changes. 

How much will it cost?

NERIS and its integration will not cost you anything. Your subscription to Station Boss will remain the same as well. 

When can my fire department start using NERIS?

We will start sending emails out to clients over the next few months with a list of the data we/NERIS will need in order to complete the onboarding. There will also be a step that will require you generate a "password" on the NERIS platform to allow Station Boss to send your incident reporting data to their platform. 

When will NFRIS stop accepting new incidents?

This is still up in the air but the goal is to have all departments nation wide on the NERIS system by the end of the year. Of course when you're dealing with over 28,000 fire departments and countless 911 centers this could prove to be a hard timeline to keep but we will absolutely keep all of our fire department software clients in the loop.

Do I need to involve my dispatch center?

Yes, Eventually. The goal is to receive the data from all 911 centers and fire departments along with other 3rd party sources such as the weather data. We understand that not all 911 centers are interested in working with fire departments in the county so we are discussing these situations with USFA. Don't stress it tho as CAD providers are also working to provide NERIS access to their CAD data.

NERIS Transition FAQ: Everything You Need to Know

Station Boss