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Change Log

Article #: 10008
Published Date: November 15, 2023
Author: Support Services

1. Implemented Alerts For New Membership Applications

1. Properties will now automatically set the Long/Lat Fields if left empty. 


1. Released new training report named "Training (Hour Report)"
2. Added "Report Preview" in report module to allow previewing the report before opening.


1. Improved PCR Fields
2. Released More Detailed PCR Report


1. Implemented "Current" Button In Incident For Current Time
2. Implemented "Current" Button In PCR For Current Time

1. Implemented "Create Incident" Button In PCR

1. Added Shift Field To Incident
2. Added Police Report Field To Incident.

1. New Feature: Special Studies
2. New Metric: Day of Week of Incident
3. New Metric: Hour of Day of Incident


1. Implemented Two Way Messaging In Mobile App

1. Implemented Multi Account Feature In Mobile App

1. Implemented Improved Search For Incident Type.
2. Implemented Manually Created Time Sheet Function
3. Implemented Personnel Availability In Mobile App
4. Implemented New Dispatch Parser Engine


1. Implemented New Report: Incidents Grouped By Service Type.
2. Implemented New Report: Total Man Hours.
3. Implemented New Report: Incidents Grouped By NFIRS Category.
4. Added Personnel Availability Widget To Dashboard.
5. Added Incidents Analytics Dashboard.
6. Implemented Incident # override feature. 

1. Implemented New Report: Incidents Grouped By Day of Week.
2. Implemented New Report: Incidents Grouped By Hour of Day.
3. Adjusted NFIRS Rule for Property Use Field.


1. Implemented Critical Alerts for dispatch notifications on IOS Devices.
2. Implemented Critical Alerts for "Urgent" messages.
3. Implemented SOS Detailed View. Simply click on the SOS icon to view details or route to.
4. Added in app popup notifications for dispatch alerts.
5. Added an improvement for logging in.
6. Added background device tracking so location continues to broadcast when phone is locked. (Only during a response)
7. Added support for marking as "Unavailable" to respond to call. 
8. Added personnel status notifications. (Must enable per user).
9. Added personnel counter at top during a response. (Green is count of active responders, Yellow is count of responders who haven't marked themselves as available or not, and red are those who have said they can't respond). 
10. Auto mark "On Scene" when reaching 300ft radius of scene.   


1. Implemented Global Hydrants In Mobile App.
2. Implemented Global Addresses In the Mobile App.
3. Implement SOS Feature.
4. Merged Mobile & Tablet Apps Into One App.
5. Added Layer Feature To Turn Layers On & Off Based On User Preference.
6. Added Aerial View To Map.
7. Improvement To Take User To the Navigation Map Once the Respond Button Is Pressed.
8. Updated Weather Radar To More Feature Rich Radar App.  


1. Released Daily Log Module

1. Released NFIRS Rule Validation Update

1. Released PCR to beta

1. Add a quick access QR icon to menu for the Agency QR code.

1. Released apps in Canada
2. Fixed bug with complete button not showing on my goals on mobile app.
3. Added a button to use google maps for routing.
4. Added "Friendly Hydrant Name" field to the hydrant module.

1. Made Design Changes To Report Templates
2. Added Fuel Log To Mobile Apps
3. Added Water Log To Mobile Apps
4. Made UI improvements to Mobile Apps
5. Added payroll feature into timesheets

1. Added "Assigned Division" field to personnel module
2.Added "State Identifier #" field to the personnel module

1. Made Improvements To Incident Lists
2. Implemented Manual Batch Ability (View Article)

1. Implemented Vitals Into Incident PCR
2. Implemented Permits Module

1. Implemented Approximate Response Time Auto Calculation in property module.


1. Released New Dashboard

2. Added "Tag" Feature To Expense Module For Easily Categorizing Expenses

1. Released Bug Fix On Mobile Apps Where All Hydrants Wasn't Showing Up

1. Released Version 1 of the Scheduler

1. Optimized The Point Tracking System

1. Optimized Incident Reporting Layout
2. Reverted Personnel Tracker To Single Field on Incident Module


1. Added New Incident Type "Alarm System Activation (Cancelled Enroute)"
2. Changed "Unit #" field in Personnel Module To Allow Alpha Numerical Unit #'s


1. Added weather radar to the mobile apps
2. Changed the GPS navigation to load the route automatically once you select the respond button.
3. Added a center button on the data map screen to center the map on your current location when clicked.
4. Disabled all tracking unless enroute to an incident. 


1. Released Point Tracker Feature for the following modules:
    - Incidents
    - Training Records
    - Business Meetings


1. Added "Turnout Time" Metric To Incident Performance Report. 
2. Implemented "Turnout Time" Metric In Incident Reporting.