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Road Map

Article #: 10009
Published Date: November 16, 2023
Author: Support Services

This page is so you can track new features planned long term and the expected completion date. Just to let you know, these dates may change occasionally. 

Q2 2024

- Implement Incident Reporting Module Into Tablet App
Station Dashboard For Fire TV

Q1 2024

- Implement Preplan Module Into Tablet Apps (Delayed)
- Implement Incident Reporting Module Into Tablet App (Moved To Q2)
Station Dashboard For Fire TV (Moved To Q2)
- Shift Scheduling Feature 
- Citizen Notifications 
- Phase 1 Implementation of NERIS Reporting from NFIRS
(In Progress)

Q4 2023
- Live Radio Feed into Mobile Apps Via Zello (Delayed)
- Publish the Android App to the App Store (Completed)
- Conversion Feature which allows converting a dispatch to an incident (Moved To Q2)
- Add Point Tracker 
- Add Center Option To Mobile Apps on Data Map (Completed)
- Add Narrative Generator