Announcing the Release of Station Boss Dispatch Console
Article #: 10006
Published Date: April 03, 2023
Author: Support Services
Henry, TN - Announcing the Release of Station Boss Dispatch Console
We're excited to announce the release of our Station Boss dispatch console, the ultimate tool for managing emergency calls and resources in real time. Here are some of the highlights of this release:
Manage multiple agencies with ease: Our dispatch console allows you to manage multiple agencies, ensuring that you can respond quickly and efficiently to emergency calls across your jurisdiction.
Track fire apparatus and firefighters in real time: With our GPS tracking technology, you can track the location of your fire apparatus and firefighters in real time as they respond to emergency calls. This ensures that you can quickly deploy resources to where they're needed most.
Send real-time text alerts via our messenger: Our dispatch console includes a real-time messenger feature, which allows you to send critical information to your firefighters via text alerts as they respond to calls. This ensures that they have the information they need to respond quickly and effectively.
Customizable call types: With our customizable call types, you can ensure that your firefighters have the information they need to respond effectively to any emergency situation.
Robust reporting system: Our dispatch console includes a robust reporting system, which allows you to track response times, call volumes, and other key metrics to help you optimize your emergency response operations.
At Station Boss, we're committed to providing the tools that fire departments need to keep their communities safe. With our dispatch console, we're taking emergency response to the next level. Contact us today to learn more!
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