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Connect Station Boss to Online Bank Account

Article #: 1080

To connect your Station Boss account to your online bank account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Bank Accounts module.
  2. Create a bank account or select an existing account that you wish to link.
  3. Click the red "Link Bank Account" button at the top right.
  4. Select the "Agree and continue" button to accept the Terms and Privacy Policy.
  5. Search for your bank account from the list. Please note that not all bank accounts are compatible with our bank feed. Banks are added each day as they upgrade their Fintech Software Systems. If you cannot login to the URL shown in the list, then you will not be able to login through the Station Boss platform. Select your bank when found.
  6. Enter your credentials. In some cases, you may have additional account validation. Please follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. If you pass validation, you will see a list of bank accounts available. Please only select one as you cannot add multiple bank accounts at once.
  8. You will now see a success message or failure message. If your account successfully links to your online account, you can proceed to syncing transactions. Click here to learn how to initiate the transaction sync.